Thursday, October 4, 2007

Appendix 5: Final Concept

Final concept:

Project is divided into 3 parts:

Part A:

Each device is attached to a PIC. Devices which only performs mechanical tasks such as light, aerators, web-cam, auto-feeding machine, water pumps, and so on, is connected to a PIC which only accept on/off command from central PIC without giving feedback to it. This PIC required more simple programming codes.

However, the PIC for sensors required more complicated programming code to give feedback to central PIC. In which, when the user want to turn on the sensor, the command will be pass to central PIC through RS-232, and hence transfer to sensor PIC through RF-transmitter and RF-receiver. Then the sensor will start to work and the analog results will be sent back to central PIC through wireless system. The analog data will hence being converted into digital signal through ADC (analog digital converter) in central PIC. And transfer to farm computer through RS-232 again.

Part B:

In farm PC, there is a system software which gathers the results from sensors, analyzed them and compile them into graph or pie, then sent to internet website. This PC also is able to detect the breakdown of each farm’s devices. Its main purpose is to control each device in farm without direct contact with the device.

Part C:

The remote computer idea provides farm manager to manage his farm through internet. The manager not necessary must stay in farm to manage his farm. By using remote PC method, manager can access to the farm PC and control the farm through his own PC (not farm PC) online.

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